You might think I’m just

a fourteen year old girl

with brown hair

and brown eyes

But I know I am more

way more than that

not a lion or a ant

not a pond or a plant

A flaming fire

a slow-burning fire

When I begin to feel weak

or can’t go on anymore

When I’m in total sadness

listening to some sad tunes

I am a flame sizzling out

ever so gently burning out

and people leaving

from the useless flame

But when I find happiness

my flame ignites once again

People come back to stand by the flame

that now brings them warmth and reassurance

Soon the flame get bigger and bigger

and  begin to go every which way

making the people jump

I start dying out a bit

but then come back to life

I flame never completely goes out

until I myself am tired

and that’s when the flame turns to ashes

I take in some air and the flame ignites again

and again

and again

The brown-haired, brown-eyed girl

is a flaming fire

a small, big, uproaring, calm fire all in one