Luisa Soto

Pre-AP English-2nd period


Douglass did not truly understand true misery for a slave until he encountered Henrietta and Mary’s situation.

And I know I lived the expression blood,sweat, and tears

Here he sees slaves in the city are treated almost exactly the same as in the countryside, and the slavemaster’s execute the punishment here.

Work that has lasted for years

Mrs. Hamilton not only had a cowskin by her chair at all times just in case they were going to slow so she would whip them, but she also verbally abused them by calling Mary “pecking” than her actual name. They would also starve them for hours and maybe even days.

And I count those hours until I can eat again

Dehumanizing and making them feel less than what they truly are simply by the color of their skin

And I dream of freedom, a secure blanket that lies on me

Its honestly agonizing thinking about the fact that a person just like you and I went through such a sad and brutal time in history.

Filled with love, hope, and peace